Friday, July 16, 2010

Road Trip!

Mom and I traveled to St. Louis with a church group this morning. We were headed to see the Vatican art and relic exhibit at the Natural History Museum. Mom got her coveted seat towards the front of the bus.
Our tour guide, Sister Barbara. We started the trip by praying the Rosary.
I was the third youngest on the bus. :)

Our destination! Mom is standing next to a pillar.
We couldn't take pictures in the exhibit which was a big disappointment for this shutter bug. The exhibit was beautiful and inspiring, but we needed more than the 1 1/2 hours allotted.
So, we took a picture by the fountain instead - ok, so a little lame.
We ate at a restaurant near The Hill.
The food was delicious.
Next stop: the Basilica.
Most of the pictures we took didn't turn out very well. The church was too dark.
A replica of the Pieta.
Michelangelo did this! (That's supposedly what it says.)
We met up with my brother, Doug and SIL, JeNae. Mom has her classic "Why are you taking our picture?" look.
Sister Barbara led some of the group in song, "Hail Mary: Gentle Woman." They sounded great. The acoustics are amazing in the church.
We had a lovely time. I always enjoy taking road trips with mom. We even took a short nap on the way home. Ah...

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