Sunday, March 30, 2008

Poop Is Just Poop Spelled Backwards

Good Friday was a good day for lots of things. Jesus, my savior, died for me and I always have a new hope for life this time of year. That evening was also very productive for a little pooper.

I took a precious baby boy to church and as I sat down realized that there was a slight funk in the air. I suspected poop. Thankfully, I had arrived at church early so I promptly headed to the bathroom. There was a nice present waiting for me and as I placed the new diaper under him and threw the other diaper away, he decided to gift me with another present. This happened another couple of times, each time I had to throw away an almost perfectly good diaper. An eager parishioner knocked on the door one time and I had to assure the person that someone was actually in the restroom.

Finally, he seemed to be done. I headed back out to our pew and after a few minutes was struck with Pepe Le Pew. Back to the bathroom I went, grateful that there had been an overabudance of diapers packed in my bag. After eliminating his last present, I headed back into church in the midst of the readings, with soaring blood pressure and just one diaper left in my emergency supply. Phew, that was close.


EE said...

LOL! The boy sure can poop! Aren't you glad that it wasn't the red stuff?????

SARA said...

That is hysterical!